Understanding, managing,
leveraging, and distributing power.

We define

Communities, initiatives, and workplaces that are at least 20% Black, Indigenous, Asian, mixed race, and/or Latiné and at least 40% women and femmes across all levels of leadership. We are bring this underserved client base the tools and skills needed to birth their vision of the world.



Brava Leaders believes a lot of workplace and community friction is driven by our current lack of skills for managing power, trade-offs, conflict, and the bias of misogyny and anti-Blackness across multiracial/multicultural communities.

We are bringing this underserved client base
the tools and skills needed to birth their vision of the world.

  • We compromise our leadership when we consistently make decisions where the pain of others is minimized because the pain is being felt by someone else. We must grieve alongside our collective - even and especially when sacrifices are necessary. We also cannot continuously expect the same communities to bear the weight of these tradeoffs and never benefit from the joys of being prioritized. It is in finding this equilibrium that we can honor the humanity of all people.

  • True choice is the root of dignity. Creating choice becomes robustly more meaningful when you and your team don’t have to endanger financial and emotional stability to make necessary choices.

  • We cannot pretend that wielding power and resources will never come with tradeoffs. Being a principled leader at any level requires evaluating what tradeoffs we make because they are comfortable and what tradeoffs we make because they are strategic. We must consistently do the work of prioritization to not emulate homogenous leadership.

  • Create processes where accountability can go in all directions of power - disrupt cycles of insulating power and distributing risk to the most vulnerable.

  • Community will always mean we can’t have our way, all the time, immediately. We must build durable reasons for being a collective that are more than the annoyances that come from shared lives.

  • We will always, always, always find evidence for division. We cannot follow the plutocrat model of creating bigger and bigger walls around ourselves. It will lead to us compromising actual safety for the feeling of safety.

  • We have grown up in homogenous society which equates deferring to someone as respect. We must build cultures of construction where we can disagree, consent, and build.

  • Trying to remove fear and fiat from our systems is challenging - but not replacing fear and fiat with alternatives can lead to a lack of boundaries and permissiveness. We then pendulum swing back into fear and fiat out of desperation. Boundaries are key to rich and fulfilling partnerships.

Aria Florant
Co-Founder &
Managing Director

Liberation Ventures

“I was skeptical of executive coaching because I have tried many coaches throughout my career, and all had been pretty unhelpful -- until Karla. Karla has transformed what support and wellness looks like for me as a leader, as well as for my organization as a whole. I can bring any challenge to her and she will have excellent perspective, informed by both her lived experience as well as intellectual grounding. Karla is instrumental to us walking our talk; her expertise in helping organizations develop systems and cultures that reliably name, distribute, share, and build power has enabled our organization to truly live into our values in a human and accountable way. Working with her is one of the best investments we've ever made as an organization.”

Zeeba Khalili
Vice President of Grantmaking and External Affairs
Marguerite Casey Foundation

“Working with Karla has been an absolute pleasure and I have been impressed with the depth of knowledge and expertise she brings to each conversation. From the moment we began, it was clear Karla has a keen eye for identifying patterns and trends that others might miss. Her coaching style is supportive, challenging, and results-oriented. Karla's ability to spot patterns, analyze trade-offs, and develop those skills in others, has been instrumental in building my leadership.











Compassion · Power · Multi-Racial · Tradeoffs . Authenticity .